Lisa Farrell and Laura Hubka have put their heads together in a new creative endeavor, L&L Millinery. This charming millinery pop-up shop gives the artists the unique opportunity to showcase their collections together in locations outside of Ooh-la-la, Lisa's delightful shop in Highland Park.

L&L Millinery uses the most finely woven straw and the softest of imported felts as the starting point for each of their creations. These materials are then sculpted by hand onto wooden hat blocks by using steam. After it drys, the material is gently removed from the block and the hat is wired and receives interior finishing to secure proper fit. Now the hat is ready to be trimmed; veiling and flowers, ribbons and treasures, all chosen to accentuate the lines of the hat that has been so carefully created. The end result is a couture piece that is flattering, contemporary and joyful.